French Air Parachute Commando 10 trained to use Black Hornet nanodrone
From December 14 to 18, 2020, an instructor from the French Army Center for Initiation and Training of Drone Crews (CIFED, Centre d’initiation et de formation des équipages drones) trained four commandos of the Air Parachute Commando No. 10 (CPA 10) to master the nanodrone Black Hornet 3 (BH3) Personal Reconnaissance System (PRS), at Orléans 123 air base. A true deported eye weighing only 33 grams, this nanodrone is only used within the Air and Space Army by special forces.
The training week made it possible to train two commandos as BH 3 operators, and two others as BH 3 instructors, the latter having already acquired the operator qualification a few months earlier. The trainees introduced the two trainees to the vector, which they were discovering for the first time.
Having recently validated the Belouga internship, necessary to integrate the prestigious CPA 10, the young recruits have thus acquired a new drone skill which will be used by the group they will join. On the program: discovery of the multiple functions of the vector, flights in urban and closed environments, learning of mission programming modes, flight management, etc.
The Black Hornet nanodrone: a valuable tool
The Black Hornet's dual cameras allow the operator to gather information and intelligence with maximum precision. The small size and light weight of the nanodrone makes it easy to capture images both indoors and outdoors, and live broadcast over an encrypted link. The Black Hornet thus gives the teams the possibility of recovering intelligence in all discretion. These attributes notably offer the opportunity "to go out and discover an environment in complete discretion without exposing the operators and the group to danger," explains "Clovis", a nano and minidrones instructor in training.