Rosoboronexport launches 59N6TE mobile three coordinate radar station
The Rosoboronexport company of Rostec State Corporation has begun marketing work to promote the 59N6-TE mobile three-coordinate radar station of the development and production of the Nizhny Novgorod Radio Engineering Research Institute to the world arms market.
“Thanks to the work of thousands of Russian scientists, designers and technicians, Rosoboronexport has the opportunity to offer its foreign partners unique defensive solutions, often unparalleled in the world, and meeting promising trends in military operations. Today, Rosoboronexport launches the latest radar station on the market, capable of efficiently detecting a wide class of modern and promising air targets, including hypersonic targets. In developing the export version of the radar, the growing importance of air defense systems in ensuring the security of states, as well as the needs of foreign customers to increase the intelligence capabilities of air defense units and units, "took into account," said General Director of Rosoboronexport Alexander Mikheev.
The 59H6-TE mobile three-coordinate radar station is exclusively a Russian development and is based on a modern domestic element base with digital processing and signal conditioning. It is fully solid-state, has high potential, increased noise immunity. The radar is designed to operate at medium and high altitudes and has a decimeter wavelength range. In addition to hypersonic targets, it also effectively detects aerodynamic and ballistic objects.
The radar station provides a measurement of the range, azimuth and altitude of an air object. It is capable of detecting targets flying at a speed of up to 8,000 km/h at a range of up to 450 km and an altitude of up to 200 km, and after detection, exchange radar information with automation systems; It works in conditions of interference and also carries out direction finding of directors of active noise interference.
The station has automatic and semi-automatic modes of capturing and tracking aerial objects, in real-time it can simultaneously track at least 1 thousand objects and recognize eight classes of targets, including the selection of an anti-radar missile and warning combat crew about the danger of destruction, including high-precision weapons and homing missiles. Also in the 59N6-TE radar there is equipment for the recognition of detected air objects in the international radar recognition systems Mk-XA and ATC RBS.
The radar set 59N6-TE includes the antenna-hardware complex and indicator post fitted on a KAMAZ-6560 truck chassis. There are also possible options for placing the product on one car chassis, in a stationary version and the option of locating the radar antenna system on high-rise support and other structures. In addition, the station is equipped with remote workstations of operators, which can be distant from the indicator post at a distance of up to 1 km when connected via fiber-optic communication lines and up to 15 km when working via a radio channel.
“I am confident that in today's conditions and with the obvious prospects of hypersonic technologies, the 59N6-TE radar will occupy top positions in its market segment and will become an important acquisition for countries that are building their air defense system taking into account world trends in the development of air attack weapons. We count on the high demand for the new station in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and North Africa, ”added Alexander Mikheev.
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